New Business Idea - Technology in Untouched Sector

In one of my previous post, I describe the new business opportunities in a sector which is still full of opportunities and remains untouched from bigger corporate. The domain is full of untouched opportunities and there are big numbers of problems which can be sorted out with the help of digital platform. Today, I came to know a company which has already jumped in this arena and started working in India. Initially, they have chosen Haryana and Punjab for this service. The thought process is really nice and vision is based on well researched and surveyed data points. What is that. Let me explain. You can watch Hindi VLOG here. 

The survey conducted by a company in India gives below figures.

1. Appx 63% of farmers are having less than 2.5 acre of land in India.
2. Appx 90% of farmers are having less than 5 acres of land in India.

Since the number of small farmers are bigger in number, the services or offerings should be targeted to those farmers to increase user base and create win-win situation. 

Problem :- 

  • Due to less amount of land available, it is not viable for every farmer to invest good amount in agriculture machinery to create agro-based businesses.
  • Availability of machines in areas are another concern. 
  • Availability of service offering person is another concern.
  • Rising prices of service offering is another concern.
These situations are forbidding farmers to create win-win situation for service provider and consumer. In current situation customer is at loosing end. To encash these situations, a service is lanched in India by an app called Hello Tractor. 
Hello Tractor App to Create Win-Win situation

They are offering various services to farmers through their app called "Hello Tractor". 
They have integrated GPS and payment gateway with the app.

With the offerings, company is able to create Win-Win situation for company and farmers. It will also create additional jobs in India as this will as as consolidator like Ola and Uber. The company is doing successful business in Nigeria and now targeting India. It has launched its operation in Punjab and Haryana state of India.
Image result for haryana and punjab

The technology people must look for such opportunities to get into agro based business and create win-win situation for farmers and self. This will also generate good amount of job as the market is yet to be tapped it. Many areas such as 

  • Online Agriculture related sale
  • On-Farm services offering
  • Research on seeds and seeds offering
  • Associated food processing
  • Agriculture consultancy
  • Contract Farming.
  • Dairy Farming
  • Horticulture
  • Environmentalist
  • Bio based products
  • Organic Farming
  • Pesticides
  • Farmers Focused Groups.
  • Rent-a-equipment
etc etc.. are some of the examples where one can pop into and look for opportunities. 
This area can be a great domain to tap the untouched opportunities integrated with technology and knowledge. 


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